

Professor Markus Bachmayr, Chair of Applied Mathematics at RWTH Aachen University's Institute of Geometry and Practical Mathematics, has been awarded a prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant. This recognition includes €1 million in funding over five years to support his innovative work on computational methods for solving complex mathematical problems in high-dimensional spaces.

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The Chair of Process Systems Engineering (AVT.SVT) at RWTH Aachen University, under Prof. Mitsos, celebrated two major honors at the AIChE Annual Meeting. Former PhD student Artur Schweidtmann won the David Smith Award for his groundbreaking publication on deterministic global optimization using Gaussian processes. Current PhD student Jan Rittig earned the CAST Director Award for his innovative presentation on neural networks for predicting binary activity coefficients.

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The German Research Foundation (DFG) has announced funding decisions for new and existing Collaborative Research Centres/Transregios, including four projects with RWTH Aachen University participation. Notably, the project ‘Future-Oriented Electronics Through Active Components in Three Dimensions (Active-3D)’, led by Prof. Max Lemme in collaboration with TU Dresden, received approval. This groundbreaking initiative aims to advance innovative 3D electronics and will receive funding for the next four years.

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The construction of Europe’s first exascale supercomputer, JUPITER, at JARA partner Forschungszentrum Jülich, is making remarkable progress. A key milestone has been achieved with the completion of the system’s second module, the JUPITER Exascale Transition Instrument (JETI). JETI is already twice as powerful as the JUWELS booster and ranks among the top performers on the TOP500 list of the world’s fastest supercomputers. This state-of-the-art system offers scientists at JARA-CSD unprecedented opportunities to advance their research, marking a significant leap forward for science in Germany and Europe.

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The future of science depends on computing power: with the high-performance computer CLAIX-2023, JARA partner RWTH Aachen University is prepared to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. This new supercomputer provides not only JARA researchers with access to cutting-edge technology for advanced AI applications and complex simulations. Featuring sustainable water cooling and a tailored infrastructure, CLAIX-2023 will serve as a cornerstone for scientific progress in Aachen and beyond.

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On September 17, the JARA-CSD Workshop 2024 took place in collaboration with the MSS profile area at the Super C of RWTH Aachen University. Every year, members of JARA-CSD and interested scientists come together to discuss the latest developments in simulation and data sciences, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

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The constantly increasing demands for greater sustainability and lower energy consumption in chemical processes require fundamentally new approaches and reactivity principles. In this context, the pronounced prevalence of odd oxidation states in less noble metals holds untapped potential for fundamentally different reactivity modes through so-called metalloradical catalysis. In this regard, JARA-CSD scientist Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck and her team have now published the article "Dynamic Stereomutation of Vinylcyclopropanes with Metalloradicals" in the journal Nature.

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The first module of the European Exascale supercomputer JUPITER, named JEDI, which was set up at the JARA partner Forschungszentrum Jülich, has achieved first place on the Green500 list of the most energy-efficient supercomputers. The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the supercomputer consortium ParTec-Eviden, along with Forschungszentrum Jülich, are delighted with this ranking.

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The scientists at the AI Center at RWTH Aachen University are spearheading the development of artificial intelligence. The center, led by JARA-CSD member Prof. Holger Hoos, is at the forefront of advancing AI technology. NRW Minister President Hendrik Wüst recently held a press conference to announce Microsoft's plans to establish a center in the Rhineland region. This move is expected to significantly boost the advancement of AI technology in the region.

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JARA-CSD member Professor Joost-Pieter Katoen is receiving funding from the European Research Council with a Proof of Concept grant to transform the outcomes of his Advanced Grant into a prototype.

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The "Quantum Computational Science and Engineering" hackathon took place for the first time as part of the MSS profile area and JARA CSD. PhD students were given the opportunity to use the Quantum Annealer JUPSI at the FZJ as part of small projects. The results are very promising.

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This year, the JARA CSD Workshop took place for the first time in combination with the Scientific Advisory Board Meeting. This enabled a particularly lively and constructive exchange on the future of simulation and data science.

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This year, Research Data Day is November 14, 2023, and has the topic "Promoting and Refining Data: Bring Your Data Treasure Trove to Light." In this context, the RDM team of RWTH and Forschungszentrum Jülich jointly invite you to an inspiring event in Aachen with lectures and networking focused on AI and RDM.

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The European supercomputing initiative EuroHPC JU, in collaboration with the Franco-German supercomputing consortium ParTec-Eviden, led by Eviden, has formally contracted the construction of JUPITER, an exascale supercomputer. JUPITER will mark Europe's inaugural foray into the exascale computing realm and will find its home at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

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The first Jülich Summer Academy will end with an "JSA Autumn Get-together" on campus on 26 September 2023 from 15:30 – 19:00. All participants, organizers, and others who are interested are welcome to attend. The speaker on this occation will be Prof. Katoen, a member of JARA-CSD.

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On November 10th, the Jülich Biotech Day 2023 will take place. On this occasion, experts from the fields of science and industry will present current highlights and trends in the exciting research and development field of white biotechnology. The event is organized by JARA-CSD member Prof. Wolfgang Wiechert.

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RWTH recently honored Prof. Marco Lübbecke, JARA-CSD scientist, with the 2022 Teaching Award. The mathematician has been Chair of Operations Research since 2010 and was nominated for the award by the students of the Business and Economics Student Council. The University has been recognizing innovative achievements with the Teaching Award since 2001. Professor Aloys Krieg, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning, presented the mathematician with the certificate in a special ceremony.

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What is the future of quantum computing for computational engineering? On November 29, a panel discussion organized by JARA CSD and the Profile Area Modeling & Simulation Sciences was held in Aachen on this very topic. Experts from FZJ and RWTH Aachen University wanted to know: What can quantum computing already do for computational engineering today? What development is expected for the future? How can future collaboration look so that the two communities benefit from each other?

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A hosting agreement has been signed between the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), headed by JARA-CSD director Prof. Thomas Lippert, where JUPITER, the first European exascale supercomputer will be located.

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After being a virtual event last year, the international conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis will this year take place from November 13 - 18, 2022, in hybrid form in Dallas, Texas, USA.
This year's theme is "HPC accelerates." Computing and processing data at peak performance is the foundation of High Performance Computing. For research, industry, and business, the provision of exascale systems with even higher computing power is therefore highly relevant.

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Experts of FZJ and RWTH discuss the potential of quantum computing for computational engineering. When will qubit technology be ready for modern simulation science? What are the challenges that need to be overcome? What is the expected gain and which tasks will benefit in particular? Will quantum computing determine the next generation of HPC simulations?
The panel discussion provides a platform of exchange and aims at identifying future cooperation opportunities between both communities.

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Finally back in presence: The JARA CSD Workshop will take place on August 29 and 30, 2022 in a very special atmosphere and with plenty of space on a historic industrial site in the north of Aachen.
Scientists from RWTH Aachen University and FZ Jülich will meet here to discuss the role and future of simulation and data science. Topics will include quantum and excascale computing, simulation data management, collaboration with other institutions such as the RWTH AI Center, and the role of the JARA CSD in the next round of the Excellence Strategy.

More information.

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BioTech Day 2022

At the Jülich Biotech Day, September 23rd, experts from academia and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development. White biotechnology bridges the gap between sustainable natural ressources and valuable chemical products and, thus, plays a central role in building up a future knowledge-based bioeconomy.

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A new Celonis Engineering and Innovation Lab will enhance the portfolio of JARA partner RWTH Aachen University in the future. The aim is to create synergy effects in the field of research and development as well as in the training of future specialists for process mining and execution management. The new lab will focus on the further development of future-oriented process mining functionalities such as process recognition, predictive analytics, data-driven simulation and machine learning.

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Two JARA scientists can celebrate the award of an ERC Advanced Grant. The research work of Prof. Martin Grohe (JARA-CSD) and Prof. Heinz Pitsch (JARA-CSD and JARA-ENERGY) will be funded by the European Research Council - ERC for short - with the grants. Both professors will now be funded by the ERC for five years each with about 2.5 million for their research and the necessary equipment.

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The pathogen SARS-CoV-2 has turned out to be a rapidly changing virus. Certainly known to all are the alpha, beta, gamma, delta and omicron variants. Along with all transformations, altered symptoms have also been discovered over time. What they all have in common, however, is the tendency to suffer from longer-term symptoms after the acute illness. The reasons for the so-called "Long-COVID" phenomenon are now being investigated in the new project "BRAVE" involving Prof. Giulia Rossetti (JARA-CSD) and Prof. Paolo Carloni (JARA-BRAIN and JARA-CSD).

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A quantum annealer with more than 5,000 qubits has been put into operation at Forschungszentrum Jülich. The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and D-Wave Systems, a leading provider of quantum computing systems, today launched the company’s first cloud-based quantum service outside North America. The new system is located at Jülich and will work closely with the supercomputers at JSC in future.

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Optimization of catalysts is often difficult because the exact mechanisms leading to the desired result are often unclear. An example of this is the stabilization of palladium(I) dimers, which relies on a very small class of phosphine ligands. Based on the research of Hueffel et al, JARA-CSD scientist Franziska Schoenebeck has now succeeded in synthesizing eight previously undescribed dimers.

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This year, the world's largest HPC conference will be held on-site in St. Louis as well as remotely. From November 14 to 19, SC21 offers researchers, developers, and students the opportunity to exchange ideas on topics that move the community. The JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science will present various tutorials, workshops, and presentations related to high-performance computing as part of SC21. We look forward to welcoming you to the JSC virtual booth.

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The international conference Science - Peace - Security (SPS) took place on September 8 - 10, 2021 at RWTH Aachen University. It was organized by Prof. Malte Göttsche under the topic The impact of new technologies: Destabilizing or enabling resilience? Around 200 participants with different research backgrounds such as natural or technical science but also social and political science had the chance to discuss topics like emerging technologies, confidence-building, cyber security and arms limitation.

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Jülich Biotech Day

On the first of October, the "Jülich Biotech-Day" will take place as an online symposium. The event focuses on the topic of white biotechnology. Experts from science and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development at the Jülich Biotech-Day. Both JARA partners, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, are involved in the event. The organizer of the day is JARA-CSD member Prof. Wolfgang Wiechert.

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Led by the Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) at Imperial College London and University College London, the joint Centre "ADOPT" will pioneer digital tools at the interface between computational optimization and machine learning. Prof. Alexander Mitsos will coordinate JARA-CSD’s effort in the new Centre-to-Centre collaboration.

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AI in a nutshell

On September 2nd, researchers from various disciplines will give insights into current research questions in the field of AI - Artificial Intelligence in entertaining lectures. Seven of the speakers are scientists from the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science (JARA-CSD).

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Federal environment minister Svenja Schulze paid a visit to Forschungszentrum Jülich on 28 June 2021 as part of her summer tour. Information about energy-efficient supercomputing and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to benefit climate and environmental protection were the focal point of the visit. Jülich researchers want to apply AI methods to identify any risks associated with climate change at an early stage. For this purpose, they are able to use the extremely energy-efficient JUWELS supercomputer, which is currently the fastest supercomputer in Europe.

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Forschungszentrum Jülich upgraded the modular supercomputer JURECA which is now capable of 23.5 quadrillion computations per second (petaflops). The infrastructure of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre is also used for research in the various JARA sections. Especially the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science benefits from the supercomputers.

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The HDS-LEE program is now complemented and expanded by three new projects. The participating scientists were thus not only able to acquire new projects in the research area of artificial intelligence, but in this way create additional positions for doctoral students. The new projects also broaden the research spectrum of HDS-LEE and strengthen the network of partner institutions. Among others, the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science is involved in the program.

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The muon magnetic field has been a mystery to science for a long time. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the results of experimental measurements of the magnetic field and their theoretical predictions. Now, a scientific team has succeeded in bringing the theoretical predictions and the experimental value closer together. Among others, JARA-CSD Director Prof. Thomas Lippert and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), which he heads, played a key role in the investigations.

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Applications for computing time on the JARA Partition for the next computing time period (May 01, 2021, till April 30, 2022) can be submitted until February 15, 2021, 5:00 pm. In addition to computing time on the RWTH Compute Cluster Aix-La-Chapelle (CLAIX) you can also apply for computing time on the JURECA Cluster Module and the JURECA Booster Module.

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The prestigious Association for Computing Machinery - ACM for short - has named Prof. Wil van der Aalst, Director of JARA-CSD and Chair of Computer Science 9 - Process and Data Science, a Fellow. Together with another computer scientist from RWTH Aachen University, he was recognized for his work. He was especially honored for his achievements in the areas of Process Mining, Process Management and Data Science.

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Professor Wil van der Aalst, from JARA-CSD, holder of the Chair of Computer Science 9 - Process and Data Science (PADS) at RWTH Aachen University and head of the Process Mining Group at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT), has now been appointed Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology for mankind, for his achievements in the field of "Process Mining" and "Workflow Processes".

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Together with the TU Darmstadt, RWTH Aachen is included in a alliance that creates better conditions for all scientists at German universities. Under the new funding concept, the federal and state governments will no longer only cover investment costs, but also operating and personnel costs. For this purpose, 62.5 million euros will be available annually for the entire NHR alliance.

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JARA at SC20

On November 09 - 19, 2020 the JARA Center for Simulation and Date Science is once again a part of the Supercomputing Conference (SC), which will take place in virtual form this year.

JARA's scientists will hold several tutorials and workshops this year and current research results will be presented at the virtual booth of JSC.

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JARA at SC20

In November 2020 the JARA Center for Simulation and Date Science will once again be a part of the Supercomputing Conference (SC), which will take place in virtual form this year.

JARA's scientists will hold several tutorials and workshops this year and current research results will be presented at the virtual booth of JSC.

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On 01 March 2019 the international graduate school "Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy" (HDS-LEE) was launched. The Graduate School offers an interdisciplinary environment for the education of the next generation of data scientists in close contact with domain-specific knowledge and research. Two of the first doctoral students and especially their research have now been presented on the website of the Helmholtz Association.

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We are pleased to inform you about new ERS calls for proposals to foster research within the framework of the Julich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA). 
Deadline for submission is 07 July, 2020, funding begins in October 2020.
The ERS call text can also be downloaded from our website. Here, you can also find additional information e.g. FAQs or currently funded/completed projects. 
Please apply at the ERS Portal.

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It is well known that quantum computers have a high potential to provide solutions for various problems. Now the ultrafast computers are also to be used in the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic. The Canadian company D-Wave Systems Inc. has called for an initiative in which the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) is also participating.

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Welcome to HDS-LEE

Within the framework of the Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-LEE), with JARA-CSD directors Prof. Wolfgang Wiechert und Prof. Alexander Mitsos as spokespersons, the first doctoral projects were started. 15 doctoral students from different fields, institutions (DLR, MPIE, RWTH, UoC, FZJ), and nations were welcomed at the event on November 6. In HDS-LEE, they will be trained as the next generation of data scientists in an interdisciplinary environment and in close contact to the application disciplines.

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The modular supercomputer JUWELS - Jülich Wizard for European Leadership Science - is based on the idea of Prof. Thomas Lippert. The head of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre and deputy speaker of the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science (JARA-CSD) and his team developed a high-performance and highly flexible computer architecture. After the first module has been installed in 2018, the so-called booster module will follow next year. With this module and over 70 petaflops of power, JUWELS will become the fastest computer in Europe.
Further information in german.

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The fastest university computer in Germany "Cluster Aix-la-Chapelle" (CLAIX) was officially inaugurated at a ceremony with top-class speakers and guests at the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University on October 2, 2019.
Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen, Minister for Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, Thomas Rachel MdB, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Marcel Philipp, Lord Mayor of Aachen, Professor Ulrich Rüdiger, Rector of RWTH Aachen University, Marcus Hermes, Managing Director of Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW, Yuichi Kojima, Managing Director of NEC Deutschland GmbH and Professor Matthias Müller, Head of the IT Center of RWTH, took part in the festivities.

 You can find more information on the website of the IT Center at RWTH Aachen.

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Six new members were admitted to the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz this August. Prof. Markus Diesmann, a JARA professor, was admitted to the Academy this time. Diesmann is a member of the JARA-BRAIN section and is also active in the JARA Center for Simulation and Data Science (JARA-CSD), which was established in 2018.

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As one of the most renowned expert in the area of Process Mining und Data Science, Prof. Wil van der Aalst, JARA-CSD director, explains in an interview with IT-Matchmaker what are prerequisites and challenges for implementation of Process Mining in a company, for which company it is useful, and what could be future developments in Process Mining.

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Scientists from RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich can apply for computing time on the JARA Partition from July 08, 2019 until August 05, 2019, 5pm CEST (strict deadline) for the next computing time period (November 01, 2019 - October 31, 2020).

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The international graduate school "Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy" (HDS-LEE) offers positons for doctoral projects in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering. The graduate school is looking for students interested to work in an interdisciplinary project at the interface between data science and the research areas life & medical sciences, earth sciences, or energy systems/materials.

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JARA-CSD Workshop

On 10th and 11th April 2019 the first JARA-CSD Workshop took place in Aachen. The aim of this workshop was to design the research program in the JARA-CSD based on the already defined "Grand Challenge Problems" in the JARA-CSD. The workshop was aimed at scientists already working in the JARA-CSD context. In the course of the workshop, it was clarified how the cooperation in the CSD can address the issues and what concrete financing options are.

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Prof. Karen Veroy-Grepl Ph.D. (Graduate School AICES) has received a coveted Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).ERC Consolidator grants are designed to support researchers at the stage of consolidating their own research team or programme. This grant scheme strengthens recently created independent and excellent research teams.

read the detailed article here.

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Applications for computing time on the JARA Partition for the next computing time period (May 01, 2019 till April 30, 2020) can be submitted now until February 11, 2019. Applications for computing time on the JARA Partition can be submitted by any scientist of RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich qualified in his or her respective field of research.

You can find more information here.

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