The international graduate school "Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy" (HDS-LEE) offers positons for doctoral projects in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering. The graduate school is looking for students interested to work in an interdisciplinary project at the interface between data science and the research areas life & medical sciences, earth sciences, or energy systems/materials.
On 10th and 11th April 2019 the first JARA-CSD Workshop took place in Aachen. The aim of this workshop was to design the research program in the JARA-CSD based on the already defined "Grand Challenge Problems" in the JARA-CSD. The workshop was aimed at scientists already working in the JARA-CSD context. In the course of the workshop, it was clarified how the cooperation in the CSD can address the issues and what concrete financing options are.
Modern materials are often exposed to extraordinary loads. In order to achieve the best results in their field of application, they must combine a wide variety of characteristics. For example, metals used in an aircraft engine must be highly stable and heat-resistant at the same time as being easy to shape. MAX-phase materials combine these and other qualities. In order to be able to use MAX phases industrially, scientists of the team around JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Olivier Guillon have developed a new manufacturing process.
A few days ago, the German Research Foundation (DFG) announced the newly selected priority programmes for 2019. From the 53 submitted initiatives, the Senate selected 14 projects for funding as priority programmes. One of the selected priority programmes, entitled " Auditive Kognition in interaktiven virtuellen Umgebungen – AUDICTIVE", is coordinated by JARA-BRAIN scientist Prof. Janina Fels.
The harmful emissions released from energy production in Southeast Asia have an impact on the regional and global climate. The Asian monsoon has an impact on the spatial redistribution of emissions. The Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Stratosphere, headed by JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Martin Riese, is investigating these effects in cooperation with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in Beijing and the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.