

A team around JARA-FIT member Prof. Stefan Tautz, together with colleagues from Marburg and Graz, has acquired electron orbital images with extremely high time resolution to track electrons in a chemical reaction in time and space. The investigations of the international research team not only contribute to the fundamental understanding of chemical reactions and electron transfer processes, but also open up future perspectives for the optimization of interfaces and nanostructures. The results were published in the journal Science.

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Billed as the fastest computers of the future, expectations for quantum computers are correspondingly high. But there are still a number of hurdles to overcome before they can be realized. One of these challenges is the fragility of the quantum bits, or qubits for short. Until now, the various perturbations could only be eliminated with great effort. A team from the two JARA partners Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University, led by JARA professor David DiVincenzo, has now presented a design for a circuit with passive error correction that would simplify the construction of quantum computers.

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For several years now, JARA-BRAIN and JARA-SOFT scientist Prof. Dieter Willbold and his team have been researching Alzheimer's disease. With the drug candidate PRI-002, the biochemist developed a potential Alzheimer's drug that has now entered the next important phase of testing. The agent can now be tested in Alzheimer's patients as part of a Phase II clinical trial, following a Phase I clinical trial in early 2019 that already demonstrated its safety and tolerability when used daily in humans for four weeks.

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The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has published the winners of the "Clusters4Future" ideas competition. The two JARA partners RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are involved in two of the clusters. The vision of the "Hydrogen" Future Cluster is a CO2-neutral economy. The "NeuroSys" future cluster focuses on neuromorphic hardware for autonomous artificial intelligence systems.

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On February fourth, 2021, a consortium of 19 leading European research institutions announced the launch of a large-scale EU flagship initiative. The four-year Quantum Large-Scale Integration with Silicon (QLSI) project aims to scale silicon quantum technologies. The strong partners and ambitious project will lay the foundation for the industrial implementation of semiconductor quantum processors in the EU and put Europe at the forefront of the world in quantum information. One of the institutions involved in the project is the JARA partner Forschungszentrum Jülich.

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