Surface engineering institute – leading in the fields of PVD coating technology, thermal spraying and brazing technology
Surface engineering institute (IOT) at RWTH Aachen University, headed by JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Kirsten Bobzin, is one of the leading research institutes in the fields of PVD coating technology, thermal spraying and brazing technology. IOT participates regularly in national and international events, on which current research results are presented. Not only as participant, IOT also acts as an organizer and offers seminars, workshops and colloquia for research and industry. Among them, the seminar “PVD/CVD thin film technology”, the DGM seminar “Brazing basics and applications” as well as the Aachen Surface Engineering Colloquium are the most important events of IOT.
The 3-day seminar “PVD/CVD thin film technology” offers participants a systematic overview of the potential of modern PVD and CVD thin film technology and transfers knowledges of the latest trends and developments in this area. The seminar consists of scientific lectures by IOT and contributions from the industry, where recent developments in the field of tool coatings and component coatings are presented. The lectures are supplemented by excursions to industrial partners, so that the latest developments and the applications of the modern PVD and CVD thin film technology in industry can be experienced closely. In addition, the coating and analytical devices at IOT are introduced and demonstrated by the scientific staff. This offers the participants the opportunity to conduct test procedures themselves and get an insight into the daily research activity of IOT. Throughout this event there is plenty of space for the participants to have individual questions and discussions with the scientific staff of IOT and the experts from the industry. Therefore, the seminar “PVD/CVD thin film technology” provides participants with a systematic and comprehensive overview of the PVD and CVD technology.
Lectures from research and industry

The brazing technology offers, like no other material-joining method, a wide variety of possibilities for producing material compounds and belongs to the main research directions at IOT. The 2-day DGM seminar “Brazing basics and applications” is especially desired for engineers and technicians working in development and production who want to acquire basic knowledge in the field of the brazing technology. During the event, possibilities of brazing modern high-performance materials with different processes are presented. In addition to the lectures and specialist discussions, practical exercises are also provided, giving the participants hands-on experience of the brazing technology. The Aachen Surface Engineering Colloquium provides the opportunity to bring together experts from the sections of materials science, surface engineering as well as joining and process technology for the discussions and exchange on current topics and questions from the fields of energy technology, aerospace and automotive industry. With more than 100 participants, the colloquium is one of the most popular events of IOT. International speakers from industry and research present current contributions to various topics, including the development of the coating technology and facilities for advanced coating systems as well as the wide use of coatings for various industrial purposes. During the breaks between the lectures, a poster exhibition with current research projects at IOT is presented, so that the participants can catch up on the latest information all around surface engineering technology.
Lectures and professional discussions
Poster exhibition and discussion