From June 24 - 28, 2018 the International Supercomputing Conference 2018 (ISC), one of the biggest and most im- portant events regarding HPC, took place once again in Frankfurt, Germany.
Scientists from Juelich and Aachen presented their current research activities in numerous workshops and tutorials. You can find an overview of all their activities here.
At the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) booth, scientists from JARA-HPC presented a new 3D visualization from a cooperation with the neurosciences about "„Reconstructing fiber pathways of the brain through local tractography“. With the help of „Three-dimensional Polarized Light Imaging“ (3D-PLI) in combination with our new 3D visualization system it is possible, to study the details of fiber structures of the brain in 3D. Furthermore, JARA-HPC informed about the latest developments regarding OpenMP, explained the tool MUST, and presented new results of parallelization and performance optimization of HPC applications.
Pictures: Conor Crowe