JARA-ENERGY Director Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer receives RWTH teaching award

During the "RWTH Transparent" event, Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer, Director of the JARA section ENERGY, received the teaching award of RWTH Aachen University in the category " Instructor of the Year". Thanks to his innovative and inspiring teaching practices, Sauer is particularly successful in enthusing beginning students and easing their transition to university study. Students praise, for example, his incorporation of digital teaching tools such as explanatory videos as well as online lectures tutorials.
The teaching award of the RWTH Aachen University has been awarded since 2001. It comprises two categories: " Instructor of the Year" and "Project of the Year". Both prizes were awarded at the RWTHTransparent by Vice Rector Aloys Krieg.
Further information is available on the website of RWTH Aachen University.