Regina Palkovits Appointed as Bioeconomy Council Member

JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Regina Palkovits has been appointed by the NRW state government to the new committee for the progression of a sustainable bio-based economy in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Bio-based economies and biotechnological processes offer great potential for the climate-friendly restructuring of industry and a resource-saving circular economy. To expand North Rhine-Westphalia as a bioeconomy hub, the state government decided to set up its own Bioeconomy Council. Over the next two years, this independent advisory body will be involved in developing a bioeconomy strategy for North Rhine-Westphalia. Professor Regina Palkovits is one of 15 experts from industry, science, and society appointed to the Bioeconomy Council by the state government.
"I am delighted to be able to contribute my expertise here to shape the path to a sustainable bioeconomy in conjunction with renewable energies and an integrated circular economy," said Professor Palkovits. The Council's task is to analyze the opportunities and challenges of the bioeconomy and to develop solutions for conflicting goals such as the use of scarce renewable resources.
The Bioeconomy Council will begin its work in January 2024. Its recommendations will be incorporated into a Bioeconomy Strategy for NRW and a future program that supports the economy in the use of renewable, sustainable raw materials and identifies viable alternatives to fossil resources.
A press release by RWTH Aachen University: