Circular Carbon Economy
The aim of the Grand challenge Circular Carbon Economy is the coupling of chemical synthesis and sustainable energy storage and therefore, the initiation of joint activities in the field of P2Fuel/ P2X. The partnership offers a unified interdisciplinary excellence for re-designing industrial value chains and the building of a holistic circular carbon economy by coupling C-stream recycling, chemical synthesis and sustainable energy storage. The GC partners cover an outstandingly broad TRL spectrum (0 – 6/7) for rapid innovation development.
Main tasks:
- Direct carbon cycles, e.g. through plastic recycling
- Power-to-X processes, e.g. synthetic fuels for Mobile applications with local CO2 emissions and CO2 return via direct air capture (DAC) or biomass use for sustainable chemistry
- Networking with Grand Challenges Hydrogen & Negative CO2 Emissions Technologies
Core competences:
- CO2-based value chains
- Biomass-based value chains
- Other C-value chains
- Plastics recycling
- Electrochemical/H2 value chains
- Reduction of the CO2-footprint of industrial processes
- Smart energy use
Prof. Dr. Ralf Peters
Institute of Energy Technologies, Electrochemical Process Engineering (IET-4), Forschungszentrum Jülich
Prof. Dr. Regina Palkovits
Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University
Current projects:
- catalaix: Katalyse für eine Kreislaufwirtschaft
RWTH-ITMC - DRYHY: Wasserbewusste Erzeugung von Wasserstoff und e-Fuels in trockenen Regionen
FZJ-IET-1, FZJ-IET-4, FZJ-IBG-3, FZJ-INW, FZJ-U-E, FZJ-ZEA-1, RWTH-tme, RWTH-time, RWTH-Lehrstuhl für Controlling, FEV, Volkswagen - DECARTRANS: Demonstrating a Circular Carbon Economy in Transport Along the Value Chain
FEV, CAC, TU Freiberg, Shell, Lother, Coryton, FZJ-IET-4
- AVT: Process Systems Engineering
Prof. Mitsos - IEHK: Steel Institute
Prof. Krupp - ITMC: Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry
Fr. Prof. Palkovits, Prof. Leitner - LTT: Institute of Technical Thermodynamics
Prof. von der Assen - TME: Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems
Prof. Pischinger - IET-1: Institute of Energy Technologies, Fundamental Electrochemistry
Prof. Eichel - IEC-1: Institute of Climate and Energy Systems, Energy Systems Engineering
Prof. Mitsos - IET-4: Institute of Energy Technologies, Electrochemical Process Engineering
Prof. Peters - IBG-2: Institute of Bio- and Geosciences: Plant Sciences
Prof. Schurr - Institute of Solar Research
Prof. Pitz-Paal, Prof. Hoffschmidt