Exchange and Innovation: The JARA-CSD Workshop 2024
On September 17, the JARA-CSD Workshop 2024 took place in collaboration with the MSS profile area at the Super C of RWTH Aachen University. Every year, members of JARA-CSD and interested scientists come together to discuss the latest developments in simulation and data sciences, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.
Through presentations such as "Hybrid modelling for hybrid Exascale computer" by Prof. Marek Behr and Prof. Julia Kowalski, or "Fast simulation strategies – From geometric models to structural simulations" by Dr. Margarita Chasapi, the workshop provided participants with valuable insights into current trends and challenges in the field of simulation and data sciences.
We thank all the speakers and participants for their contributions to this workshop and are already looking forward to future events.