The JARA Partition
The JARA Partition consists of contingents on the high-performance computers and supercomputers installed at RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The main reasons to set up this Partition in 2012 were the guaranteed amount of computing time for projects from the two regional partners on latest HPC architectures, the reduced but highly efficient assignment procedure that fosters scientific excellence, and the requirements of the funding bodies BMBF and MIWF to arrange for larger and more efficiently used HPC infrastructures.
Due to the changed political framework conditions in the promotion of HPC infrastructure in Germany, the JARA Partition ends with the current computing time period on April 30, 2024. There will be no further call for computing time projects.
In the future, we recommend that you apply for computing time via NHR or use the access ways to the HPC infrastructure in Jülich. Please find further information in this information letter.
Have a look at currently running JARA computing time projects.
If you have any further questions please contact the JARA-CSD Office at