CSG "Parallel Efficiency"
This cross-sectional group supports computational scientists from a wide spectrum of domains in the effective use of supercomputers.
The group conducts research in the area of software engineering for massively parallel applications, complementing JARA’s more disciplinary simulation laboratories (SimLabs). Uniting experts from the Jülich Supercomputing Centre and RWTH's IT Center, the group focuses on questions of performance, scalability, and correctness. For this purpose, the group develops its own methods and tools, which it promotes via the Virtual Institute High-Productivity Supercomputing (VI-HPS).
The group actively engages in collaborations with HPC application developers and simulation laboratories. These collaborations not only benefit the applications at their center but also provide valuable feedback for the future development of tools.
Engagements between the cross-sectional group and application developers emerges from collaboration projects, from deeper discussions during training workshops, as well as from specific inquirier of developers on help with tuning their applications.
Projects and activities
Tool development projects
Score-E (BMBF) – energy efficiency
ELP - runtime support
Mont-Blanc 2 - task-based programming models
MUST – correctness of MPI applications
Scalasca – performance analysis
Score-P – performance measurement
other projects
POP – Performance Optimisation and Productivity
Steering Board member Dr. Bernd Mohr has been elected General Chair of the Supercomputing Conference 2017 (SC17). This is the first time that a computer scientist from outside the USA will chair the most important conference for high-performance computing.
CSG Management and contact:
Dr. Bernd Mohr, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Dr. Christian Terboven, Chair for High Performance Computing, IT Center, RWTH Aachen University