Seminar Series of the Institute for Modeling and Simulation
Seminars are taking place Mondays at 4 pm in AICES seminar room, Schinkelstr. 2, 1st floor, room 115
13.04.2015 Prof. Dr. Dominik Schillinger Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering, University of Minnesota Immersogeometric finite element methods
21.04.2015 CHARLEMAGNE DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES Prof. Dr. Tinsley Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Science, University of Texas at Austin Adaptive Validation and Error Estimation of Coarse-Grained Models of Atomic Systems
27.04.2015 Prof. Dr. Chi-Wang Shu Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University High order numerical methods for convection dominated problems Speaker invited by the SIAM Student Chapter
11.05.2015 Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn One, two, three! How many phases are in (ionic) liquids?
18.05.2015 Prof. Dr. Mario Botsch Graphics & Geometry Group, University of Bielefeld Simulation of Topological Changes of Elastic Bodies using Polyhedral FEM
08.06.2015 Prof. Dr. Christian Rohde Chair of Applied Mathematics, University of Stuttgart Compressible Liquid-Vapour Flow: Modelling, Analysis, Simulation
15.06.2015 Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Theis Institute of Computational Biology, Technical University of Munich Modeling cell-to-cell heterogeneities
22.06.2015 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Mönnigmann Automatic Control and System Theory, Ruhr University Bochum To optimize or not to optimize: event-based predictive control
29.06.2015 Dr. Julia Kowalski Graduate School AICES, RWTH Aachen University Simulation of close-contact melting for exploration technologies
06.07.2015 Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, BCAM & Ikerbasque & Humboldt Award/Erlangen PDE Control and Numerics: Some Recent Progress and Challenges
13.07.2015 Prof. Dr. Thierry Magin Aeronautics and Aerospace Department, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics Cooled Pitot probe in air plasma jet. What do we measure?
This is a continuation of the seminar series from Winter Semester 2014/15.