Summer School of the International Research Training Group "Aggression and Impulsivity" in Aachen and Jülich
Photos: © Dr. Volker Backes, General Manager JARA-BRAIN
In the International Research Training Group "Aggression and Impulsivity" (, JARA-BRAIN scientists together with colleagues from the University of Philadelphia, USA, train PhD students in a structured program. The Summer School, which alternates between Germany and the USA, was held in Germany this year.
On 25.5, the focus was on the Jülich Research Center, which included visits to the Supercomputing Center and Prof. Kathrin Amunts' neuroanatomy labs, as well as keynote lectures by JARA-BRAIN members Prof. Thomas Frodl and Prof. Jon Shah. No less well received, however, were the contributions of the PhD students, who annually report on the progress and results of their PhD projects in scientific lectures at this event.