In JARA, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University pursue excellent basic research combined with application-oriented research. An important task for JARA is therefore to ensure that the findings of scientific research are applied wherever this makes sense and to facilitate the transfer of know-how and technology to industry and society.
Technology Transfer
In JARA, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University pursue excellent basic research in combination with application-oriented research.
An important task for JARA is therefore to ensure that scientific research results are applied wherever it makes the most sense and to ensure a knowledge and technology transfer in industry and society.
The technology transfer departments in Jülich and Aachen support the researchers in this respect as central service providers. For example, they contact industry directly and offer advice on all legal and business-related issues. Patent scouts keep their eyes open on site in the institutes for marketable research findings.
Another important task for which the technology transfer departments are responsible is supporting scientists in making applications for third-party funding on a national and international level.
Transfer of knowledge is a important task for research and scientists. The purpose of knowledge transfer is to impart know-how. It adresses society as well as decision-makers of industry, politics and the scientific community. Several tools are povided in the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance to transfer knowledge to the different target groups.
JARA-FORUM is a image event of the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance, with the aim of giving decision-makers of industry, politics science, media and society an understanding of the cooperation and the scientific work. Furthermore new scientific findings are presented and discussed. Every JARA-FORUM is dedicated to a different research topic.
Parliamentary events serve for placing inmportant scientific topics on the political agenda. The scientists of the JARA work on topics with high social relevance and shape the German science landscape. The focus of these events lies on a direct and constructive interchange with representatives of politics and science.
The "JARA-Tag" is a event for and with JARA-Members. Every year a special achievement of the cooperation takes centre stage of the event.
JARA-Tag 2017
JARA-Tag 2016
JARA-Tag 2015
JARA-FIT Nanoelectronic Days
Nanolectronics have emerged as an independent and interdisciplinary research field, integrating knowledge, concepts and techniques covering many different spatial and temporal scales. The section Future Information Technology of JARA, is organizing the workshop Nanoelectronic Days to create a platform for the research field and the community. The focus changes with every event. In 2015 this workshop focussed on “Green-IT”. The digital revolution leads to rapid growth in data acquisition, traffic and processing with an increasing demand on power.
IT products consume already more than 10% of the electric power produced in the western world, making energy efficient computing a key technology for sustainable scaling of IT performance. The aim of the workshop in 2015 was: bringing together leading scientists of the world to discuss and debate recent achievements and future challenges in energy efficient computing.