On 1 April, the SuperC building of RWTH Aachen University hosted an event for the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA). The new JARA institutes, in which scientists from Aachen and Jülich will work on pressing issues of our time, were presented to an audience of about 90. At the same time, the directors of the collegially managed institutes were appointed JARA professors. Excellent early-career scientists were also honoured by JARA prizes for young researchers: JARA Best Master and JARA Excellent Junior.
Young scientists are an important engine for future research. The Jülich Aachen Research Alliance honours the achievements of young scientists by awarding the young scientists with the "JARA Excellent Junior" and "JARA Best Master" prizes.
During the COOPERATE project, the Institute for Software Engineering (SE), directed by JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Bernhard Rumpe, led the development of a common neighbourhood information model (NIM).
The Institute of Crystallography (IfK) at RWTH Aachen University and the Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK) -6 of Forschungszentrum Jülich cooperate, inter alia, within the framework of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funded joint project "Conditioning" (Fundamental studies for immobilizing long-lived radionuclides by incorporation into repository relevant ceramics).
Increasing population and growing industries and the associated increased energy consumption in emerging Asian economies result in enhanced emissions of greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances, and pollution in this region. IEK-7 has already published some basic studies related to the topic of transport processes in the region of the Asian monsoon (Konopka et al., JGR, 2010; Ploeger et al., JGR, 2013; Vogel et al, ACP, 2014; Ploeger et al., ACP, 2015; Vogel et al, ACP, 2015).