

Si-Air batteries are currently an interesting perspective for the development of next generation batteries. Unfortunately, nowadays realized prototypes do not reach the theoretical capacity. The group Applied Interface Electrochemistry led by JARA-ENERGY member Juniorprofessor Dr. Florian Hausen is investigating the evolution of the surface structure in order to gain a better understanding of the...

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After a review of the nominations the Commission for Quality Management in Teaching has recommended the below named members of RWTH Aachen for the 2016 Teaching Award.  The award in the category "Projects" was presented during the RWTHtransparent event to a team of researchers collaborating on the Virtual Sketching project, developed by Professor Thomas H. Schmitz from the Chair of Visual Arts at the Department of Architecture; scenographist Hannah Groninger; and Professor Torsten Kuhlen and computer scientist Dominik Rausch from the Virtual Reality Group.

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On January 27, 2017 the RWTHtransparent made it possible for the general public to gain insights into the university happenings of the past year. JARA-HPC presented current research projects and Aachen's new high-performance computer CLAIX.

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The Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering of RWTH Aachen University, headed by JARA-ENERGY member Prof. Christoph Broeckmann, work (among other subjects) on the challenge to adjust cast iron perfectly to the use for wind turbins.

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