

In order to create economic and technically feasible solutions for the conversion of energy system towards renewable energy sources, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research initiated the four Kopernikus projects. The partial project SynErgie investigates how energy-intense industrial processes can be flexibilized to adjust the industrial electricity consumption to a fluctuating electricity supply from renewable sources.

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The Institute for General Mechanics (IAM) of the RWTH Aachen University and the Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Electrochemical Process Engineering (IEK-3) of the Research Center Jülich have been working together for a long time. The two institutes are managed by two JARA-ENERGY scientists, Prof. Bernd Markert (IAM) and Prof. Detlef Stolten (IEK-3).

The common goal is the research, development and optimization of porous materials as central components of electrochemical energy conversion equipment. A recent joint study aims to improve the design of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFC) by a deep understanding of the functionality and optimization of the design of the porous gas diffusion layer (GDL), the main gate of reactants from the gas channels to the catalyst layer of the PEFC.

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Dr. Christian Terboven was awarded the "Borchers-Plakette" for his doctoral examination "Abstractions for Performance Programming on Multi-Core-Architectures with Hierarchical Memory".

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Highly Cited again

Prof. Simon Eickhoff (JARA-BRAIN), Prof. Martin Winter (JARA-ENERGY) and Prof. Karl Zilles (JARA-BRAIN senior professor) are among the most cited scientists worldwide for the year 2017. In the list "Highly Cited Reserachers", Clarivate Analytics names the researchers who are most frequently cited and therefore particularly influential. The list includes many different fields of science. Prof. Eickhoff and Prof. Zilles were among the "Highly Cited Researchers" last year.

Further information and the complete list is available on the Clarivate Analytics website.

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By means of a yearly award, the profile area “Information and Communication Technology” at RWTH Aachen University honors young researchers who contribute significantly to the ICT-related research and show the potential to further improve the international visibility of ICT research at RWTH Aachen University.
Andrea Bönsch from the Virtual Reality Group was selected by the Steering Committee of the profile area ICT as one of the recipient of the 2017 ICT Young Researcher Award.
The award is donated with 3000 Euro, supporting her research career. Congratulations!

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