Alzheimer's drug candidate in next phase

For several years now, JARA-BRAIN and JARA-SOFT scientist Prof. Dieter Willbold and his team have been researching Alzheimer's disease. With the drug candidate PRI-002, the biochemist developed a potential Alzheimer's drug that has now entered the next important phase of testing. The agent can now be tested in Alzheimer's patients as part of a Phase II clinical trial, following a Phase I clinical trial in early 2019 that already demonstrated its safety and tolerability when used daily in humans for four weeks.The Federal Agency for Leap Innovations SPRIND supports the development of the new therapeutic approach against Alzheimer's dementia.
The drug candidate PRI-002, developed and patented by Prof. Willbold and his team, targets the toxic amyloid-beta oligomers. It destroys the toxic oligomers directly and without the involvement of the immune system and breaks them down into the harmless abeta monomers. This makes the compound the first of its kind to act directly against the harmful oligomers as an anti-prionic.
Further information is available on the website of Forschungszentrum Jülich.