JARA - young talent award winners
Young scientists are an important engine for future research. The Jülich Aachen Research Alliance honours the achievements of young scientists by awarding them with the "JARA Excellent Junior" and "JARA Best Master" prizes.
JARA Excellent Junior
The JARA Excellent Junior is aimed at doctoral students and postdocs who have completed their doctorates no longer than six years ago. Among the many applications, the directors of the JARA section selected two projects that were particularly convincing due to their excellent work. The selected works are not only distinguished by their outstanding scientific achievements and a high degree of originality, they have also been created by making optimum use of the possibilities of the JARA network.
The winners:
Marcel Rosenthal with his excellent work on "Spin Tracking Studies towards Electric Dipole Moment Measurements in Storage Rings".
Luca Felix Banszerus, Master's student of RWTH Aachen University, Stephan Engels, PhD student at the 2nd Physics Institute A of RWTH Aachen University and Michael Schmitz, Bachelor's student at RWTH Aachen University, for their joint work "Ultrahigh-mobility graphene devices from chemical vapor deposition on reusable copper - Graphen vom Conveyor Belt".
JARA Best Master
The JARA Best Master is a poster prize for students who have just completed their thesis. This year it will be awarded for two excellent posters from the sections JARA-BRAIN and JARA-ENERGY. The two prize-winners convinced by their outstanding academic achievements and the combination of the respective work with the research field of the corresponding section.
The winners:
Miriam Menzel with her poster on the topic „Simulation and Modeling for the Reconstruction of Nerve Fibers in the Brain by 3D Polarized Light Imaging”.
Eran Schweitzer with his poster on the topic „A Matlab GUI for the Generation of Distribution Grid Models”.