NRW Research Data Day
Location: SuperC, 6th Floor, RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 57, 52062 Aachen

The second Tuesday in November marks Research Data Day in North Rhine Westphalia and sees the federal state initiative and many universities and university associations from the state celebrate a state-wide day of action for Research Data Management (RDM).
This year, Research Data Day is November 14, 2023, and has the topic "Promoting and Refining Data: Bring Your Data Treasure Trove to Light." In this context, the RDM team of RWTH and Forschungszentrum Jülich jointly invite you to an inspiring event in Aachen with lectures and networking focused on AI and RDM.
From Data to Diamonds – Empowering Research with AI and RDM
Forming the foundation of scientific knowledge, research data are a precious treasure trove for science. Digital progress and the development of new methods, e.g. in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), require a professional RDM and they in turn can also significantly contribute to the urgently needed and long overdue professionalization of RDM.
Everyone engaged or interested in RDM activities and AI experts from Aachen, Jülich, and beyond are invited to share their ideas on how RDM and AI can go hand in hand and support each other during the lectures and the poster session.
Part One: Lectures on RDM and AI
Experts from RWTH and Forschungszentrum Jülich will shed light on the synergies of RDM and AI and present examples of how the two topics strengthen each other. The symbiosis can be viewed from both perspectives:
Lifting Data Treasures with AI: How does the use of AI algorithms enable the (automated) retrieval, preparation, and analysis of data for research?
Refining data through RDM: How can good RDM help produce and make available AI-ready research data, facilitating the use of AI methods?
Part Two: Posters and Networking
Researchers and data stewards – including data officers, data managers, and others involved in data – will give insights into their work or present use cases on RDM from their projects. The RDM Team at RWTH and the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich will also present their RDM offerings, providing guidance on the infrastructure available at the respective sites.
Take the chance to get in touch with other researchers and RDM infrastructure facilities, to share ideas, get inspired, or find others who are also tackling RDM challenges.
You can find a detailed program and the registration option on RWTH Aachen University's website: