Jülich’s end-of-year lecture - New Thinking, New Opportunities: How Research Can Contribute to Structural Change

Location: Online

The Rhineland is set to undergo far-reaching changes, as it moves away from carbon to new forms of energy production and economic activity. This structural change is one of the central societal challenges not just for the Rhineland region, but for North Rhine-Westphalia as a whole.

To meet this challenge, the lignite-mining region must be transformed. Forschungszentrum Jülich is helping to actively shape this transformation, with its scientific expertise in information, energy, and bioeconomy, as well as its ideal location in the heart of the Rhineland proving valuable to this effort.

Structural change in the Rhineland is also the main topic of Forschungszentrum Jülich’s end-of-year lecture this year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the event this year will take place in a multi-faceted, extended format to be streamed on the Internet, beginning at 18:30 on Tuesday, 1 December. The event, titled “New Thinking, New Opportunities: How Research Can Contribute to Structural Change” will see Jülich scientists and their exciting projects working towards making the Rhineland an innovative region and model for others. They show how a region can proceed in the face of upheavals, so that people still enjoy living and working there in the future.

You are all warmly invited to the first-ever digital broadcast of this event.
An English translation of the lecture will be available.

(The end-of-year lecture evening will be recorded shortly in advance of the broadcast.)

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