JARA-ENERGY Talks: The European Green Deal and How Horizon Europe Supports It
Location: online
For the European Union, climate protection is one of the political priorities. In addition to the globally valid Paris Agreement, the European Commission has also adopted a so-called Green Deal. The European Green Deal contains measures and strategies to promote a climate-neutral and resource-saving economy. The overarching goal of the European Green Deal is to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality across Europe by 2050. Under the heading "The European Green Deal and how Horizon Europe supports it," Mark van Stiphout will report on January 17 on the opportunities that the European Green Deal opens up and how different measures support each other in their implementation.
Mark van Stiphout is Deputy Head of Unit for Research, Innovation, Competitiveness and Digitalization in the European Commission's General Directorate for Energy. In his presentation, van Stiphout will talk about the European Green Deal and the new research framework program "Horizon Europe". Horizon Europe is the research instrument that will enable the implementation of the Green Deal. The energy expert will go into the organization of the program and will explain the legislation. In addition, van Stiphout will report on the role of research and innovation in shaping the future of the energy system in Europe.
The lecture will be held in English and is free of charge.
Registration is requested at: energy-talks@jara.org