Talks and discussion: Energiewende mit grünem Wasserstoff - Webinar

Location: Online via Zoom

In the Zoom webinar "Talks and Discussion: Energiewende mit grünem Wasserstoff", two energy experts will be giving interesting presentations to viewers. In addition to Dr. Daniel Teichmann, CEO Hydrogenious LOHC, Erlangen, who will speak on the topic "How hydrogen enables the transformation of industry", JARA-ENERGY scientist Prof. Anna Mechler will report on the "Potentials of hydrogen production and use". In the discussion that will follow, the participants will be able to ask questions and learn more details.

Green hydrogen has great potential to decisively advance the energy transition and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. In her lecture, Prof. Mechler will therefore address all facets of this energy carrier: From hydrogen electrolysis and current projects to fields of application and needs.

The webinar will take place via the Zoom video conferencing tool and participation is free of charge. The talks will be held in German.

Further information on the event is available on the RWTH Aachen website:

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