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Focusing Expertise - Shaping the Future
In the Jülich Aachen Research Alliance (JARA), RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich pool their outstanding expertise in five research sections, a JARA-Center and four JARA-Instituts.These common efforts open up new research opportunities and facilitate projects that would not be attainable for either of the partners on their own. Furthermore, their attention is always focused on the grand challenges facing society.

The constantly increasing demands for greater sustainability and lower energy consumption in chemical processes require fundamentally new approaches and reactivity principles. In this context, the pronounced prevalence of odd oxidation states in less noble metals holds untapped potential for fundamentally different reactivity modes through so-called metalloradical catalysis. In this regard, JARA-CSD scientist Prof. Franziska Schoenebeck and her team have now published the article "Dynamic Stereomutation of Vinylcyclopropanes with Metalloradicals" in the journal Nature.

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JARA-ENERGY scientist Prof Michael Eikerling has been elected a Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry. The award honours his work on theoretical electrochemistry, in particular his contributions to the simulation of electrocatalytic reactions at interfaces.

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Hydrogen will play an important role in the future energy landscape for the storage of renewable energy. However, the rapid implementation of a hydrogen infrastructure faces technological challenges in production, storage, energy utilization, and methods for integrating different renewable energy sources, energy sectors, and geographical regions. The new international graduate school "Hy-Potential: Hydrogen – Fundamentals for Production, Storage and Transport, Applications and Economy," led by JARA-ENERGY and JARA-CSD member Professor Heinz Pitsch, addresses precisely these issues.

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The first module of the European Exascale supercomputer JUPITER, named JEDI, which was set up at the JARA partner Forschungszentrum Jülich, has achieved first place on the Green500 list of the most energy-efficient supercomputers. The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the supercomputer consortium ParTec-Eviden, along with Forschungszentrum Jülich, are delighted with this ranking.

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